Oceanic Wilds
Short story exploring the pre-diagnosis of endometriosis and how this plays havoc on not only the physical, but our mental health.

Cherry Poppers
A playful artists mood board inspired by cherry blossoms, which ignite passion, fierceness and raw sexual energies. The board is filled with rich pastel hues, photography and illustrations.

Endo What?!?
This is a poem (roaring in feminine red wine) to all the red tape slapped across women’s health, particularly Endometriosis. We won’t be silenced nor will we sit quietly.

Morning Rituals
An artists meditative mood board exuding calm, serene and dream-like motifs with rich natural hues, photography and illustrations.

This is a short poem I wrote during another endometriosis flare when my severe anxiety came to join the party.

Sea Change
‘Sea Change’ is set long after Sofia has met the Femnarlia. This piece introduces two of the Femnarlia tribe, twin sisters, Lamarn and Saharn who are one hell of a dynamic duo.

Oceans Healing Bed
This poem reflects on letting a toxic life long friendship go after years of poor treatment, behaviour and lies. Here is to new beginnings fresh with amazing true friendships, relationships and all the things that inspire, motivate and make us level up.

Pastel Scapes
Artists mood board that playfully dances amongst the pastel hues both in the garden and against the skies. The board includes photography, illustrations and magazine clippings.

Nature’s Doorstep
Artists mood board inspired by the intricate coastline borders dividing land and sea with rich colourful hues, photography and illustrations from Sydneys Northern Beaches.

Nothing is ever what it seems…
A poem comprised from sound bites of feelings, emotions and visualisations I have built upon on my road to healing. A visual and spoken piece of empowerment, strength, transformation, self-love, confidence and an inner creative glow.

Mood board: Finnish Hues
Artists mood board inspired by the early springtime Finnish countryside awakening from winter hibernation filled with rich pastel hues, photography and illustrations.

Lucid Wild Rhythms
The story intertwines the theme of 'Making my way home' to one's own self, alongside concepts relating to mental health, abandonment and toxic relationships that are overcome by the power of community within the feminine psyche through self-acceptance, trust and learning to let go.

Taboo Crossings
A poem of finding one-self on a journey that has many crossings, but not all are as they seem.

Anxious Awakenings
A short story inspired by Finnish saunas, anxiety and new awakenings.

Poem questioning the concept of ‘consent’ told through her eyes.

Wild Woman
A short poem reflecting on what being “wild” means to me post arts residency in Finland.