Lucid Lotus Series.
Tired of the female form having been depicted at times with the typical ‘pretty’ face and the ‘ideal’ body I have challenged these notions and created works that are scarred, bleeding and littered with abstract forms incorporated within disintegrating bodies that are bound within nature. Diagnosed over a decade ago with several autoimmune diseases and most recently Endometriosis, I have continued to battle these internal conditions, which play mind games on sufferer’s physical appearance that in turn can lead to depression and anxiety. Coupled with countless images of the ideal woman, societal expectations and the demands we put on ourselves it can begin to implode both physically and psychologically as reflected in my artworks.
Closely intertwined within these narratives are stories of our local environments with a dedicated focus on endangered flora and fauna. Within each artwork I explore the impact of humans on their surroundings in pursuit of perfection. I want to raise awareness of what we are losing within our communities and ignite discussion around these issues that maybe not everyone is aware is currently occurring.
Below: Lucid Lotus, 2017, Pencil on paper ~ Shown in various exhibitions across Sydney, Australia.

‘Raduga Fantasies’ explores themes of femininity in regards to physical perfectionism, gender and mental health. The work adopts extremes to evoke an awakening in the viewer who might question the distortion of the female form, amalgamation of animal body parts and mythical motifs. I have driven my consciousness into dream states to allow myself and the viewer to escape reality and go on a wild psychedelic adventure where Tittafants roam and mythical tales abound. There are no demands, expectations or rules as to how you should look, act or behave as a woman.
2017, Pencil on board ~ Shown in various exhibitions in Sydney, Australia.
Featured in Kaleidoscope Magazine, Issue 4.
Raduga Fantasies.
Alter Ego.
Tiny Dancer is my alter ego sitting alongside my long-time mythical fur friend, FuwaFuwa. I like to think of Tiny Dancer as the playful, cheeky girl who also isn’t afraid to say how she really feels. There are those days when it can be a bit much and the anxiety erupts and the little gremlins come out to play screaming all the things the voices in our heads love to consume us with on repeat. On the other hand there are those days when she just wants to be the fierce, wild queen exploding with a powerful inner strength and complete attitude that feels utterly unstoppable!
The series is ongoing with no planned ending or deadline. I allow my characters to play out her wildest fantasies, whilst also understanding the darkest corners of my mind. FuwaFuwa, Kumomi and Yume make appearances alongside the cheeky Eeeps in ever evolving dream-like worlds conjured up by me. Nothing is ever what it seems...