Eye Candy Series

The Eye Candy Series was intended to explore the idea that undergarments are seen as a barrier whereby the viewer is trying to see into the unknown enraptured by their sexual desires. The series is a surreal fantasyland oozing in playful underworlds laden with popping eyeballs and hyper-coloured torsos. 

Abstract describing the ‘Eye Candy’ series intentions:

“As you walk through the lingerie department you brush against lace, touch gently the silky bottoms, whilst momentarily captured in your own sexual desires. You look intrepidly for the perfect ensemble to make your debut on stage.

Admission: Two (or maybe more?)

The curtain pulls back and you step forward with confidence and poise. It only takes a few minutes and the lingerie you spent hours deciding upon is thrown into the corner. You see the edge of the lace bottoms from the corner of your eye. Why did you even bother?”

Series has been shown in various group exhibitions and Brooke Krumbeck’s solo shows at Gaffa Gallery and The Makery in 2016.


Lucid Lotus Series


Fluidity Series